

My thoughts on the Supergirl series part 1
The 1980's Supergirl film was not very good so I was very happy to see that the recent series has made the character even more engaging than her cousin Superman and the story way more powerful than the original movie.

(Warning: Spoilers ahead)

Supergirl is both older and younger than her cousin. Confused? I'll explain. When Krypton was destroyed Supergirl/Kara escaped in a pod. However the pod was struck by debris and was sent flying into the Phantom Zone where time stands still.

Years later she somehow escapes the Phantom Zone and finally arrives on Earth still a young girl as she had been when her planet exploded. All this happened while baby Superman/Clark landed on Earth as scheduled, grew up to be a superhero and fell in love with Lois Lane. So baby Clark became a full grown man whilst poor Kara was still a kid. I'm not sure how I'd feel about being younger than my baby cousin. Usually people can't overtake you in age. Hard to wrap your head around.

Anyway Kara's younger/older more responsible cousin gives her to an adoptive family. The dad is played by the guy who played Superman in Lois and Clark and the mother played by the woman who played Supergirl in the aforementioned 80's movie. So.... Her father is her cousin and her mother is herself. Mind fuck!

She also has a sister called Alex. Initially Alex is jealous of Kara. As a single child with two loving parents she resents the attention that Kara is given. This pretty blonde with super powers. The bitch! Anyway after a while they begin to bond and become fiercely loyal sisters.

As an adult she has hidden her powers and lived as a normal person but when
Alex is on a plane about to crash Kara flys to the rescue. After this she has caught the Super hero bug and decides to become Supergirl against the wishes of her parents.

(More to be added)
© Andrew J Sinclair