

One World
One World

One world one government is not a hypothetical propositional political orientation but can be a possibility if we can live as one without any kind of divisions of class, creed, race, nationality and superiority.The world is one, we are one, we are made to live together, love each other and care each other but in reality that is not the case.We are in the reverse of the flow of a river and speculating in an antithesis scenario.Why are we imperfect in this perfect creation ? This is the fundamental question which we are pondering with gaps and splits in this continuum of continuity of heavenly deception since time immemorial.Yes, we are incomplete, imperfect, fallible beings searching perfection and felicitiousness.We rise and fall and rise again.Something is wrong in us, missing link in us, lacking us, haunting us like a haunted house haunted with waves which you can't see, only feel like an air.We are restless, disturbed in the core of our consciousness, so it's projecting outside in periphery of detest.What's inside comes outside which is apparent in vision.The reason behind this phenomenon is that it's a Satan haunted world ruled by black house upon the hill tempting us to sin.Ego is the disease.Trust,love and benediction, solicitude, humbleness and happiness is the cure. Presumption attitude of I am the best, I am the way and I wanna rule the empire gives birth to rebels of constructionist and deconstructionist as well. Bullet is not the solution of rebelliousness as rebels are reactionaries not revolutionaries.Politically correct, we are political animal and there are differences in hierarchy of the systems of capitalism, communism, feudalism, monarchy, anarchy and many more isms.

Difference in point of view and clash of ideologies results in deep intrinsic individual, social and political instability which leads to battle scars.You follow the suit according to your nature, understanding and limitability.There are some eternal enemies like lion and hyena.They don't like to see each other.Friendship between them is impossibility.Merger of oil and water, divine and devil, light and dark, good and bad is impossible possibility.We repel and attract each other like the phenomena in the shattered magnet placed together.Like minded attracts, unlike minded distracts.Birds of same feather flock together.The greatest enemy and friend of humankind is humankind.This is an absolute paradox.We are in wild place where the wild things happen and battle for survival is cruel game.We live the life full of contradictions and paradoxes because we contradict each other in many spheres as everyone is unique, unequal and different.If you view the Earth from the horizon of space you will not figure out any borders, fences, no divisions but we have sketched out the divisions in world map.We are responsible for it.If you take the the distance from the star, there is no distance at all here between the two points.We are very far no matter how close and some very close no matter how far.Earth is just a pale blue dot in this infinite pitch black emptiness. Actually we are made of stardust in the supernova explosion which occurred long ago.Carbon is what we are composed of. Earth is just 4.5 billion years old (approx.), lifespan of fireball in the sky, the Sun is 12 billion years(approx.) and universe is 14 billion years old (approx.) according to radiocarbon dating. In 6.5 billion years (approx.) time , the earth and other eight planets will go back to its source from where it came from and the Sun will run out of fuel and will become the red giant and afterwards it will faintly illuminate and will become white dwarf at the end. Contradictory stating, we have lot of time and limited time as well.We humans are just 2 million years old (approx.).Mitochondrian Eve migrated from Africa to other parts of the world just one million and two hundred thousand years ago. Homo sapiens is just three hundred thousand years old.What next after Homo Sapiens ? As evolution is true, so Homo Sapiens is not the end of line of human evolution.It should proceed further to highly evolved individual.

Is war necessary battle for survival ? No No, we have to go long way further ahead and Yes, it is necessary to redefine the projection of our never satiating ego of political vendetta for the throne.Why can't we live as one having one government under one flag having one anthem and with one digital cashless economy ? We never learn so history repeats itself.Forty years on, Voyager I and II is still working and is still going farther and further towards the unknown.Only time will tell in time that at the end of this century, probably we would have left our home the Blue Planet and would have colonized the other habitable homes in visible universe if we don't destroy each other with nukes.In the world of quantum leaps and string theories, it won't be an unusual sighting in the distant future that the future men will come to visit the Earth the way you go to visit the zoo with your kids as space travel has now become the reality.From Stone age to Space age, from Arrow to Arakalashnikov to F -117 Nighthawk , from Armed Force to Space Force, we have travelled a long tumultuous way and we must survive . Survival instinct leaded us to this juncture of time.We should all act and function according to what the nature implanted the survival code within all of us.Decoding the code is revealation of folded mysteries.

Whatever, there are some good people.
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