

still a favourite trip
who doesn't like traveling?
if you ask a 6year child even he'll tell you his favourite destination. Traveling is one of the best stress buster . Everyone loves to travel.So, today I'm going to tell you, one of mine favourite trip story. let's roll back then, I was in 9th standard when I first time went on a trip. It was a school trip to Manali. I remember how excited I was because,I finally convinced my parents. I was thrilled with I Idea of the trip and I had done my packing and all. Everything was checked and the journey began at sharp 5 o'clock in morning. I was sleepy because I had to wake up earlier to catch my school bus. The first thing I did after getting my seat. I slept. that's what normal people do who are asleep. Right? so, eventually I spent my less than a half journey sleeping. I don't remember exactly maybe around 10 or 11 o'clock our bus stopped for breakfast. Then I woke up and I was fresh because I slept well, after our breakfast done. I was energetic and then I had a lot fun. I sat with my friends, we sang songs, we played so many games and we dance a lot. it was a three day trip so our first destination was' Manikaran' a beautiful place near Kasol. Many Delhi guys maybe more aware of than other. we spent our night there and the next morning after taking hot bath because, this place is famous for hot water , you can call this a miracle. Anyway, we had our first meal there and next part of the journey began. After hours of long driving we finally reached our destination. "Welcome to Manali"Everyone was so excited so, we went Solang valley because it's a beautiful tourist spot. There were so many activities out there, you can do anything . I really wanted to do paragliding but I wasn't allowed by my teachers. They said I was too young but, that wish still alive, I still want to do paragliding and bungee jumping is also on the bucket list. I know I will do these things one day but, back then I was astonished and amused with the beautiful view and I still want to go there and this time I'll try everything. after spending our some time there, we went to Kullu. We reached to a beautiful wooden temple, I don't remember whose temple was that but, it was beautiful we spent our some time there and there was also river along side with the road so, we enjoyed there and after a amazing day the journey started back to home. I still remember the mesmerizing view and our tasteful memories. someone truly said memories never die....
© Anjali❣️