

The last part of the story 'The cup of tea '
“ Hmmm!” Taking the last sip of the tea he put aside the glass and searched for some money in the pocket of his pant. Finding some he glanced up at Raghav! He understood that its time to take the bill. the man gave him a envelope containing some notes and stood up to go . but as he moved Raghav beheld him” Koka! Perhaps you have not counted the money. The bill is of just 15 rupees but you have given a total of1 500 rupees. “The man seemed to be calm as always and with a smile replied “ I think you know that I am your regular customer so this is my advance payment and this money is not for you but for your daughter. Buy her the frock she want. And wait there is one more news for you , my son needs some experts and trustable people for the newly built canteen in his office premises so I thought you will be the apt man for it and told him yesterday . He was so pleased to know about you that he wants you to join his office canteen as soon as possible . He waited for some reply and asked “then when will you join ? Hearing to all this, Raghav’s eyes filled with tears of gratitude. He looked at the man till was out of sight and got busy serving the other customers surrounding his little space….
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