

Africa's and Democracy after independence.
Democracy is assumed to be ruled by the people, and for the people: a system of authority in which inhabitants are equal in constitutional rights and dignity, and the supreme control is vested in the people, by a free electoral process, and Capitalism is also a system of government where the capitalist make the laws, and policies, and civil rights are decided based on capital ownership a complete unequal system. Simply not democratic, democracy and capitalism does not go hand in hand, they contradict each other.

The introduction of democracy in Africa’s gave likelihood to several Africans that a more open method for regularized procedures for leadership range and proxy would hold decentralized, and depersonalized power, ethnic tensions, and get rid of the neo-patrimonial reason that has protracted characterized “political elites” loom to the management of African states. However, Africans have now realized that many of these regime changes don't end up with democracy. In particular, a grey zone has lingering between full-fledged democracy and autocracy. It includes the so-called electoral democratic regimes, where nominally democratic procedures coexist with persistently authoritarian practices. Democracies being abused for personal gain in many African countries, and often leading to mega corruption,human rights violations, and political oppression.

Failed elections
From 2015 to 2019 almost thirty African countries held presidential, regional, municipal, and general elections in Africa. To name a few, Rwanda, Uganda, Comoros, Gabon, Botswana, and Mauritius. In Burundi President, “Pierre Nkurunziza” ran for a third term in 2015 despite a controversy over his eligibility to run. The opposition boycotted the election, and incumbent, “Nkuruziza,” was allowed to get a third term, But, his re-election led to an occurrence of violence, in Rwanda, “Paul Kagame,” ended genocide in 1994 and stabilized his country, but in 2015 Rwanda’s parliament voted to a two-term presidential limits removal influence by incumbent president, “kagame" elections were detained in 2017 President, “ Kagame,” won a third label with 98% of the votes, Which means he could stay in power for life, In Uganda’s President, “Museveni’' like, “kagame’' came to power after a protracted rebellion upon assuming power in Uganda, “Museveni” himself recognized what was wrong with Africa’s and infamously said,“The challenge of Africa in all-purpose and Uganda in distinct is not the people, but leaders who choose to extend in warrant against the requests of the masses.” his lexis in 1986, rear then, he was a Democrat, an entrant of hope, life, and change. However, in 2017, president, “Museveni’' removed the age limit in his country constitution meaning he could be president for life, In Comoros President, “Azali Assoumani” removed the term limits in his country constitution, and in 2019 was re-elected. President, "Azali” been in control since 1999, in Gabon, elections were held 2016,and incumbent president, “Ali bongo” was re-elected, but his re-election led to violence plunging the country into crisis. In 2018 president, “bongo” removed the term limits. Every one of these constitutions changes were prepared through controversial referendums and were Manipulated by incumbents. In Seventy out of thirty-five, countries that obtain introduced limits to the number of consecutive terms that a President can serve incumbent presidents have tried to remove, amend, and now and then violate these provisions.with the exception, of Botswana and Mauritius, the continent’s oldest democracies continue to combine respect for political rights, human rights, free and fair elections, with prudent economic policies, and press freedom These democracies continue to grow stronger during a period in which Africans backsliding on democracy, and are questioning the rate of democracy. It is striking that Praising Africa’s. Democratic success stories don’t count. A number of countries have not made any democratic progress in years, including Cameroon, Eritrea, chad, Sudan, Mali, Guinea-Bissau. Leaders like, “Paul Biya” remain entrenched in Cameroon, Chad, Eritrea, and scores of other countries. Poor quality of elections has heated up civil unrest in domestic politics in many African countries often leading to violence. Flawed elections, when passed as free, fair, and credible, leave citizens with no choice than to question the credibility of these elections and often leading to citizens demanding regime change.

Democracy marginalized minority
Democracy subverts its guarantee of equality by being itself majority rule. No human or people considered equal if a part of it is deemed main and the rest minor. Burundi is the only country in Africa that provides a provision in its constitution for minorities nonetheless, it has been bent under the leadership of president, “Nkurunziza. ” Democracy in Africa has not abridged the amount of exclusion in many countries, political exclusion has gone hand in hand with rising economic inequality, As a result, individuals and groups that lose out in the race for national office rarely enjoy governmental protection and are often marginalized which makes them feel that they have no stake within the system. We have convinced ourselves to believe the only way to choose a leader or representative is through the ballot box. Universal Declaration of Human Right states “The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government,” That’s the contradiction how a system that classified one group as less significant (minor), and another group more significant (main) represents or reflects the will of the people, democracy is a form of domination.

Communism is the egalitarian idea where both the state and the private sector is merged, owned, and managed by the electorate completely democratic, classless, and decentralized. Communism calls for the abolition of property, whether by the state, or firms, or private citizens: Communism wants all citizens to own everything equally, communism reduces inequality in societies.Communism is so effective because it overrides self-interest of folks and subjugates the welfare of the general population to achieve critical social goals. Communist command economies can wholly transform societies to conform to the planner’s vision. Examples include Stalinist Russia, Maoist China, and Castro’s Cuba. Russia’s thorough knowledge cost-cutting built up the armed depth to defeat the Nazis, and Then, immediately rebuilt the budget after humankind War II. “Salif Keita” Malian music legend, has given up on democracy. He said, “Democracy is not a good thing for Africa”, and he further said, “To have a democracy, people have to understand democracy, and how can people understand when 85% of the people in the country cannot read or write? He optional that, “Africa desires a compassionate dictator like China” I do agree with, “salif keita,“ Democracy requires effective engagement of citizens who understand and have commitment to the fundamental democratic principles, values, and as well familiar with democratic political processes. However, democracy in Africa is a system that allows the uninformed to make decisions with equal weight as the informed Even in the great, “United States of America” there is an electoral college,While it is clear that democracy has failed Africa’s it is also important to note that trust in democracy around the globe continues to decline. A small amount of existence backs a large-scale intercontinental delve into chart by, “freedom house” shows that constitutional rights and civil liberties around the globe, deteriorated to their lowest point in more than a decade. In, 2017 Seventy-one countries suffered net declines in political rights and civil liberties, with only thirty-five countries registering gains. That symbols the 12th consecutive year of decline in democracy and global freedom. However, over the years there had been a significant amplify in calls for strong leaders.

Countries such as Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan, since, the 1960s, Chile and Brazil in the 1970s, or China, since the 1980s, seemed to back up that a stalwart person in charge or leadership committed to the development of its people are better than so-called democracy, while democratic countries grapple with domestic problems, inequality, corrupt policies, and democracy continues to decline, China has seized the opportunity to export their malign influence on other countries, and those countries are little by little doubling China’s activities and adopting their ridicule for democracy. China continues to see democracy as a threat to its regime, and economic growth. Under the Communist Party leadership, China has made an astonishing achievement of bringing 700 million Chinese out of poverty and 87% of the Chinese people are contented with their economy, which includes an 11 % rate of income growth. Communism is the antidote for capitalist democracy in Africa.

Prinston anthony sieh moosh Nimene Is a master candidate at cavendish University Uganda studying international relation and diplomatic studies.