

A Continued Journey.
Alieena knew that there wasn’t any point explaining certain things about her life to others, as she was quite unique as an individual and not everyone would get her, to understand her in the way that she would liked to have been understood.
So, she just got one with her life as she did. Just like everyone else did.
Except, she wasn’t like everyone else.
For example, she loved to write and words would run through her like a river flowing into a waterfall, even though she was quite dyslexic in many ways. She also loved to sing along to songs on the radio, on her playlists also to sing around her home. Although she was not the most confident of people. She had a deepening shyness was still was quite apparent at times, a constant memory of how shy she was as a child. She really loved short walks with being at one with nature, she really did. Sadly, these days she didn’t do enough of it. As the pain levels in her body were unpredictable most days, so she did what you could when she could as this was a everyday working formula now that she had learned to adjust to over the years.
Although whenever she did need to be somewhere, it was always a case of walking through the pain anyway, as it had become the internal mantra of her daily life, on her good days and bad days. As this was her everyday norm.
Sometimes, it was better to just stay in her comfort zone. As the alternative could at times just make things worse, in the long term.
Alieena, did have friends that she would mix with from time to time, people whom she’d known for many many years, good long standing friendships that were all important to her. She has family get togethers from time to time to with her blood kin, they were always interesting and at times emotional. All the areas of her life were basically covered, apart from that one area of her life.
That romantic relationship, that significant other, that partener in crime, that natural connection.
It was still a work in progress, and it was beginning to feel for her, like a continuous work in progress state of play, for that’s how it was, for the present time. Alieena, was very happy in yourself, but never the less she know that the next chapter of her life was beginning to take shape in little ways, bit by bit and day by day. As Rome wasn’t built in a day either, built it became a great big city in the end. The universe was constantly realigning itself, to each new second of each new day. As it did and was continuing to do for everyone person in the world.
Alieena had faith and hope in her heart, so she knew that whatever her future would bring she would enjoy it. She would enjoy all the blessings that would accompany her on her journey, so with each new step Alieena was to take and with every breath she would exhale. She would be filled with hope faith and love in her heart, to help guide her on continued journey, that was the story of her life.


© Josephine Daniels.