

The Chronicles of Us ( Chapter 2)
Chapter 2 – Excitement and joy

We started packing up or stuffs. I tried to fit in as much things into my luggage until it was swollen. This process of packing up even more boosted up my excitement. After the draining process, I was busy building castles in the air, thinking and daydreaming of the actions and phenomenon to be occurred. “ It’s gonna be fun”, my heart whispered. The next day, once our feet were in the car, we gave a warm goodbye and took a break off from our house. The journey to the village was about 2 hours long. We had an extra passenger in our car. It was my cousin brother, Albert. We brought him along as he was really interested to join our trip. He agreed to follow as he wanted to get himself relieved from work stress and pressure. He was my fellow companion throughout the journey. We talked a lot while sensing into the beauty of nature. The view of the scenic nature watching from a moving car gave us an unknown feeling of enthusiasm. We broke into complete silence when drowsiness accompanied us for a span of 30 minutes. After that, we got up and hold a stretch. Dad gave us an interval and stopped by a petrol station to cram up more gasoline into the car to keep up the energy level. We went out to a nearby shop to grab some nourishment and edibles to be conscious for the next half an hour before we reach our destination.