

The Castle of Count Wilbur: Part 9
Eveline felt very faint; the sight of the dangerous height from where she swung from wrunged her strength from her, but she fought bravely to still her fear.

The only thought that slithered through her mind was to save Theodore at all costs, even if it meant death. The horrible screams of Theodore still echoed in her mind, and it tore at her heart.

"Theodore," she whispered. "It's all my fault."

"Eveline!"came the holler of the Count again. The chain movement had stopped, and now, she just realised.

The chain began moving again, but this time, it's movement was upward.

He's going to save us both, thought Eveline. Bless heavens. Now Theodore's life will be saved.

#mystery #horror #gothicfiction #victorianera

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