

Guitar Fan
The guitar was playin
as I watched his eyes
no body saw but I did
fire flames was within there
And he was ready to burn
the whole group
so I had to trip him up
To show the crowd that
he was evil.
And I did I took my drink
on stage and I through it
in his face and he slapped
me and turned evil right
in front of them. then
fire shot out his nose
And he was in rare monster form
as I ran and he did not follow
because the other party goers
he wanted to turn like him
so he jumped in the crowd and
I ran to the car and I never looked
back after that night right who would.
Then 2 years later I meet a wonderful
guy but he was in to music and 🎸 s
And it was sexy how he was right
But he was not all he seemed it was
as if I knew his spirit before. Come
To find out I did and he was the same
man who I had let people see that he
was evil. He had a facelift and dated me. He put a 🔪 to my throat you are
next you told everyone my secret s
so you messed up my life so how can
I let you live all free an clear. then he
bit me and I became like him and I was trapped in evil. which I became
like him wanting and needing to
change the people from right to wrong.
But I was greeted 3 years later by someone worst who killed me.
And I played on the ground
dead as the 🐦 s flew all around
my body and my soul went with the
angels in heaven after the madness.
© Mar that