

Should I blame or think but just don't read it
Blame or think

There is one in this world perfect,
While human body of yourself is imperfect either in both health, appearance or wealth
Then whose life do you think is perfect leading a life without sorrows and worries
If this is so then why do you get jealous of someone's life whose life is already imperfect..
Please blame yourself for thinking it and think for it..

I believe perfect is nothing but a word while it differs from person to person.. No one is perfect but you can try but if someone tries to be perfect in everything people would frame him/her that he is unfit to the society.. Then why do people say be perfect in everything..
What perfect is perfect while it is completely imperfect

Some people badmouth the other and speaks ill at their back just because of the situation. But people has forgotten that the God has created a hurdle to make him/her to learn or face the bigger hurdle in life so that he/she can be the best to solve and clear the issue.. Just because you aren't in that situation doesn't mean that God is giving you the peaceful life, it means your time hasn't came to bring you some other hurdles. Just think and remember God is not a human to see partiality. That's why he is named so..

Some people will break up with their love and curse them back.. People don't wait and they easy fall in love just because everyone one in their surroundings does that... Remember Your opponent should have the capability of accept not adjust your disadvantages at any cast. It maybe your anger, short tempered, your ugliness in face Or appearance Or whatever it maybe. If he is ready to accept your disadvantages, then what will the point for he/she to leave you by breaking up and hurting you..

What is life, just blaming on fate without thinking
© san