

Jehlum a river with a thousand stories.
Once upon a time in a small village nestled along the banks of the Jehlum River, there lived a poor father and his only son. The father had worked hard to provide for his son, and he had always dreamt of his son receiving a good education and making something of himself.

His dreams were realized when his son received admission to a renowned college in the city. The father couldn't contain his joy and bid his son farewell, eagerly waiting for his return so he could hear all about his experiences at the college.

Months turned into years, and still, the son did not return home. The father grew increasingly worried, not knowing what had become of his beloved son. He searched high and low, reaching out to anyone who might have information about his son's whereabouts, but to no avail.

One day, while walking along the banks of the Jehlum River, the father stumbled upon a human skeleton. As he examined it closer, he noticed a missing bone in the ribs. A memory from many years ago resurfaced - the doctors had told him about his son's missing rib bone at the time of his birth.

In a moment of heartbreaking realization, the father knew that the skeleton before him was that of his son. Devastated and consumed with grief, the father made it his life's mission to uncover the truth behind his son's untimely demise.

After years of relentless investigation, the father finally discovered the chilling truth - his son had been killed in a gunfight. The revelation shattered the father, and he succumbed to the weight of his sorrow, never truly recovering from the loss of his beloved son.

It was a dark and stormy night when the father received a mysterious letter, claiming to have information about his son's disappearance. The letter was unsigned, and the writer wanted to meet him at the abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the village.

Filled with a mixture of hope and dread, the father made his way to the warehouse, the wind howling through the desolate streets. As he entered the dilapidated building, he was met with a shadowy figure standing in the corner.

The figure revealed that he had been a witness to the events that led to the son's demise. The father listened intently as the stranger recounted a tale of betrayal and deceit. It appeared that his son had stumbled upon a hidden secret - a powerful and corrupt individual in the village was involved in illegal activities, exploiting the villagers for personal gain.

In an attempt to silence his son, the individual had orchestrated his murder and disposed of his body in the river, hoping to cover up the truth. The father's world crumbled as he processed the betrayal and treachery that had robbed him of his son.

Determined to bring justice to his son, the father embarked on a dangerous journey to uncover the truth. He delved into the underbelly of the village, facing threats and danger at every turn. With each new revelation, the web of deceit grew larger, implicating high-ranking officials and influential individuals.

After years of tireless investigation, the father finally pieced together the puzzle, unveiling the sinister truth behind his son's murder. But the truth came at a great cost - the father's health had deteriorated, and his spirit was broken. His final days were spent in sorrow, haunted by the memory of his son, forever lost to the darkness of the village's secrets.

The small village along the banks of the Jehlum River had been tainted by the tragedy, and the father's relentless pursuit of justice had exposed the darkness lurking beneath the surface. And as the years passed, the memory of the father and son remained a cautionary tale of the price of seeking the truth in a world filled with deceit.

The son had aimed to become a doctor to help the poor people of his village. The father died recounting the memories.
#kashmir #jehlum
© handcuffedpoet