

1st New Year's Resolution!
When the whole world is waiting for the clock to hit 12:00 and enter into a New year, a woman in hospital is crying with pains to welcome her little baby into the world seems like the world already had started preparation to welcome her baby.
As the clock hit 12:00 and within a minute, she delivered a baby. The doctor said, Congratulations🎉 it is a girl baby!! Her happiness vanished. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she heard to the doctor.
Her husband when came to know it was a girl baby, he shouted at the just delivered mother. "Not again!. How did you expect that i would accept a 2nd girl baby when the 1st is also a girl?" pointing at his 1st 3yr old daughter standing there excited to see her little sister. The little 3yr old was afraid to see her father scolding her mom. This little heart understanding the situation, moved to a window outside and looked up at the night sky shinning in the light of crackers lit for celebrating the new year.
looking straight at the sky, The little girl made her 1st NEW YEAR RESOLUTION at the age of 3 for her just born little sister.

Hey guys!! We the future generation, future of the world, must take this RESOLUTION on this New year to not have any gender discrimination, caste or colour discrimination among us. Let's join hands together to take the resolution✋
wish you the happiest year ahead✨💫

Happy new year friends!!🎉🎉❤
© priyanjali