

Travels with my soul.
Many events have happened to me in my life, the strangest events that I could have ever imagined.
One of those events and experiences is being able to fly.
Yes, many people will say that I am crazy, their opinion is respectable.
I respect all thoughts, because I cannot change any thought or feeling. I can only change and improve my thoughts and my feelings.
So I sometimes fly, before it was more frequent ... unconsciously it happened to me.
Flying without wings is like traveling without a ticket, traveling for free and traveling to an unknown destination, nowhere.
It is traveling to our soul occurs, so it is at the beginning.
Our soul is a light within us. Colorless. Without form. It is energy, it is untouchable.
That is what we are. We appear after life as ghosts. For the moment, we having life, we are a soul within a body.
One day of the year 1993, I was 23 years old.
I slept one morning, before I woke up, I couldn't move. I began to hear a sound, like an airplane when it starts to fly, inside my head, I was hearing that sound, my soul was taking off, second by second I suddenly began to feel the wind above me, it was just energy, without a body.
I was flying, I was looking around my room, passing the doors and windows, I couldn't touch anything.
I was in the living room, I was flying through the house.
About my family a little explain. My family has always been a merchant, I grew up in the center of my city. I grew up among business, commerce and foreign people. The city where I live is a tourist port.
On the first floor of the house, my family had a small store, a business, it was a store with Mexican curiosities, with gifts, candles, souvenirs, a lot of decoration for the houses.
My job was to open the business, serve customers and decorate, I also made some candles.
This morning was Sunday, We didn't open the store at Sundays. Was closed.
I was slepping.
My body was sleeping
My soul was flying. I was down around the store, doing nothing just flying with my soul. I was thinking inside me, I have to back, I want to back. I want to get up, and I asked me, if I was alive or I was death.
An instant I stop and stayed stand up. I return to see by back, I saw to Isabel, she was the helper of my grandmom
Isabel climbed the stairs to the second floor of the house, where the dining room and living room were.
After I climbed behind her, Isabel was walking, step by step she went up the stairs.
While I flew up with my soul.
I returned to my room, I just wanted to return to my body. Thank God I started to return.
I felt the wind once again on me. And once again I heard the sound inside me. It was the sound of a buzzing. Then I managed to wake up and I got up. I took a bath, got dressed, and went to the dining room for breakfast. When I entered the dining room, there was Isabel and she asked me,
- Where are you? I saw you down, at store, in this moment -
And I just smiled. I answered yo Isabel,
- No Isabel, I was asleep. I woke up just now. It was probably my spirit -
Isabel just laughed.
And I ended up laughing too.
© MaricrisMeza