

she should be your priority not an option.
she met a man on social media with surname Mr beigh
A man with sweet words and polished toung.He was a religious man.He used to pray 5 times a day and he was a religious man very impressive as per the details .They started conversation and He gained her trust very quickly .They shared some childhood memories and many other details about family. The first question he asked her was what is her mothers cast. This was very awkward question but she answered calmly. she was from a syed family and her mother was out of cast. And she was aware that his mother was a from Hakeem hajam family but she prefer not to ask such vulgar question.
Second question he asked her was how many cars her family have. Again she replied firmly.
She felt uncomfortable and decided to leave the conversation. He used to play mind cards ,grab her attention and motivate her to continue the conversation. Now he requested her to join him on Imo she hesitated as she came to know that Imo requires a mobile number. He doesn't insist but after few days he requested again. Now she shared her phone number and They started conversation on Imo.After few days he asked her that he wanna see her.He requested to share pics and he shared his pics limitlessly. she was not ready to share pics as she had some doubts because the man was not clear with his words.
He used manipulative words like You don't trust me. Its ok I am not trustworthy.) He repeated these sentences again and again to gain her trust. Finally, he gained her trust and she shared her pics with him. Some childhood pic and some memories from school and college. He was sharing happy expressions and both were comfortable.
He talked about his family background and other properties and shared his own details as well.
After few days he said to her that he is getting married. His family is searching for a match.
she didn't argue or complain.
she said: Best of luck and he replied, No no he is not sure about this.
(not sure about this means he wanna kept her in an option list)
Here He lost the gained trust and she uninstalled IMO. He texted on social media and asked what was the reason for leaving the conversation .she didn't complain or blame. she replied like a stranger. Now a month of Ramadan starts and they didn't chat. After eid, he texted again with a reply to the previous conversation. Now slowly and gradually this conversation started again and she gave him another chance But now she can't trust him easily. She didn't share anything with him onwards, Now she is reserved. She now understood that the man is emotionless but she was attracted toward him. She developed some feelings.she didn't concentrate on this conversation.she starts diverting mind and she left expectations.She didn't chat continuously. After a month he proposed to her and said let's get married.
She got surprised and she thought it's a joke . But he convinced her that he is serious about this.He requested her to send her profile for marriage purposes.It was hard for her to trust him again. she discussed this with friends and sisters. They insisted that she should share her profile. They said maybe it's her destiny knocking. and they believe that a religious man .who has performed hajj can't be a player.He also insisted her send a profile finally she prepare her mind, Gained the courage to trust him again. And she sends him a profile.
He received the details and said these details are not enough for him. He asked for more details about her maternal and paternal relatives and their status and business. She was shocked to hear this from him and hold her breath and she shared this with her friends.They suggested her stop this conversation. But she decided to see his reaction and his next move. She send him full details about her maternal and paternal relatives and their status. After few days he requested her to send a matchmaker for him. She replied that it's not her job it's his responsibility to hire a matchmaker. But he continuously insists her to send a matchmaker.Finally, she realised that this man is an old player . This man was emotionless and heartless.He had the experience to gain trust he was using words and toung as a weapon to gain trust.
she realised that he was playing with her sentiments and emotions.He was intended to put her on the options list.
Eventually broke her trust and heart by stabbing with emotional folk.
she left the conversation with a deep sigh.
and she learned
love is the myth of devastation.

After few months he contacted him again and said that he got engaged and he is not happy with her.she believed him again. Now he grab her attention by emotional words and again gained her trust and now conversation was going on
After one month he said he wanna marry a girl she should be 10year younger than him. Although he was 5 year older than her..He make excuses and left conversation.

She tried to divert her mind by engaging in diffrent activities but couldn't forget him .she hier a match maker a (transgender) tell him to verify his background and details.He revealed that his all family use same methods to play with people.Playing with sentiments is in his blood..He brought some details about his brother and he said that Mr beigh got engaged with a hanji girls. A man who used to say that they never compromise on cast is now engaged with a hanji girl from kaloo family..Just because she was an alone child of her parents and all the assets belongs to her.

she tried a lot to forget him but couldn't succeed now she decided to get him back. But he was a player and she couldn't get him back as he found another hen with golden eggs.

Now she gave a job to transgender to get all details about her...Transgender were in relation with his elder brother and he sends some screenshots to her.His brother was a worst personality he was having bad vision for her would be sister in law..
she gave a job to transgender to mail these screenshots to hanji female with whom he is engaged...she gave her her 1000 a day for chatting on social media and promised him that she will give him a phone worth 75k if he will break his relation as she was madly in love with a player without thinking about her honour and dignity. she crossed all the limits. But the player didn't even make a move.
Now she left all his hopes but cursed him with heart and soul....
she cried like bursted clouds for him and curses him with every drop....

Now After some time she received a message that he got injured in an accident .Dr's said he can't walk throughout his life.All his teeth fall on the ground and his right hand were completely damaged and doctors seperate from his body ..His marriage was unsuccessful although he married a girl younger than him but he can't raise children and couldn't earn .So his wife left him . He was in joint and bone hospital and he spends a year in the hospital.
His friend asked for forgiveness. He hurt her so deeply.

she replied may he live long and complete 100 plus years of his life.

she earned name and fame and is the richest lady in the town and world.
she got married to a loving and caring man. who respect and honour him...she has a beautiful family and living a noble life. she has healthy and intelligent kids.
she achieved a lot in the world and is living a healthy and wealthy life. she is one of the famous ladies of the world
she saw on the internet one day that a man needs funds for his medicines .she ignored it first. Then she recalled that he is the same man who hurt her.....
she felt bad but she recalled his harsh words.
she decided to see his condition after so many years and she went there and donate him an amount for his needs and medicines. Now every year she donates him some amount for his medicine.
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