

Little Tim Adventures-XXVI
Tim saw that the house walls were painted a long ago, the colour was faded. It looked pale butter cream and the roof tiles were clattered and the space was filled with dry grass. Lucas and Tim walked on the gravel path and Lucas rang the bell. It gave a funny chime,
and a thumping of feet on the wooden floor could be heard and the door was opened. Tim saw a tall old man with a few gray hairs on his head, he had spectacles and wore a dirty apron and had an oven mitt on his hand. He had a big grin. He looked down and he said aloud ‘‘Hello! Hello! what do we have here? Ah Lucas and whose here with you? Well! well! You can later tell me. Come in dear and make yourselves comfortable.’’ Lucas and Tim went in and sat on an old couch and the old man took off his dirty apron and his oven mitt off from his hand. He smiled again and he said ‘‘Oh dear! So much cooking today! See my apron has got sooty hahaha! I have something for my lovely guests.’’ He went to the kitchen,Tim whispered to Lucas ‘‘Wow! You've got a nice uncle.’’ Lucas whispered back ‘‘I am really sorry but we got to wait until he gets into our topic. Better we fasten our mouths or you never know!’ Then came the old man, he had a tray. He said ‘‘Muffins! Here my dear, take one.’’ and he kept it on the stool and he sat on the opposite side of us. He made himself comfortable in the armchair and he started talking ‘‘I am really frazzled, buggered and shagged out after working the whole day in Miss Nanette’s garden. Oh! She might have a big garden but there were no flowers! Haha! Only weeds! Hither and thither, they had been grown. I pulled each one of them and I can say now her garden is as good as new. I have been trimming many hedges. I love gardening but as you know my boys I am getting old. Yet gardening and baking is my pleasure and leisure. Hahaha rhyming doesn’t it? Now what do we have here?’’ Tim atlast got relieved that he came into their topic because he didn’t know how much further he would go on talking. Lucas said ‘‘ Uncle David, he is my best friend and neighbour too. His name is Tim. His parents are Mr Willows Vincent and Mrs Rosey David’’ When Lucas told this, the old man eyes widened with a surprisement!

What suprised the old man?
To Be Continued.....

#mystery #adventure
© Stasla