

Life is as beautiful as we perceive it to be
In my life...I always adapted a positive attitude...I looked for the beauty in things ...like in Gods creations..like example ...when I heat the birds chirping melodiously outside my home ...I can hear God. When the sun shine warmly against my countenance I can feel the warmth of Gods embrace ...since He created all things ..like the sun ..the birds.. the sunset and sunrise...

When I have the priviledge of gazing at a rainbow .I realize how much more beautiful is Jesus and as I love to admire the warm blue ocean ...I can see one of Gods most beautiful creation..I watch Gods masterpiece..

So I realize the depths of Gods wisdom...which I cant even fathom. A brilliant God who loves His children that He created the world to our benefit...

God thought of every detail..when He created the world..He taught of us when He sent His only son Jesus into the world...to save the world and not to condemn the world.

Life is beautiful as long as we know jesus. He is the best part of my life. He saved my life when I had fat embolism...which was a life threatening illness..and I'm thankful to share my story with the world...of a God who's real..Never give up in life and always adapt a positive attitude.