

Being Alone Is Much Better Then A Fake People Around You.......
Being alone doesn't matter that you are weak.....some times being alone is much better than being in a crowd......the people who think being alone is emptyness but no dear it's the time when we recall each and everything.......we are not alone we are with our precious memories, we recall how we was before.. and some times we think of our future..... it's the time when we sit alone in a peaceful place and tell others not to disturb no matters if the mood is good or bad because it's swings everytime..... sometimes we laugh at our doings by comparing now and sometimes we cry by missing those days......no matters how many people are surrounded by you but in a day spclly some people in night feels alone, miss someone who was near to heart at some moments......sometimes your mind says that "lonliness is not being alone, but it's the feeling that no one cares..."but dear in this world not everyone is yours too......I think at some moments to me lonliness is when some times you feel sad about somethings happening in your life and not sharing with your close ones.....if you share your problems you don't feel alone and feels relaxed...and sometimes when your in some trouble then lonliness is far better than the unnecessary dramas.....and once you are started standing alone then “It's easy to stand with the crowd it takes courage to stand alone”.......being alone gives courage to stand up in front of crowd and make your identity, it makes you independent in life and being alone can make you sit in the corner depending upon someone......the choice is yours how you take to being "alone" it can give you respect and it can destroy you....."before, someone used to be afraid of being alone but now, they are afraid of having the wrong people as company". Being alone your mind get many things in many other ways so don't think too much about this just stay alone don't expect too much from the people, enjoy the moment were you are present and you will feel really blessed.....
And always remember we may be alone in eye of world but their is god who is always with you..who will help you in every step, difficult situations of your life.....after that your parents who never let you being alone they take care of your each and every little thing we may be growing infront of all but still we are children to our parents and and they are our courage, inspiration, teacher, freind nd many more...they never leave you alone in any situation.....
© Zøh@❤️..