

Burning the Past
The picture in the frame held a lot of memories. Some good, some sad. Her tired eyes roamed over it one last time before she tossed it in the fire. It was time to start afresh.

She had been married to him for ten years. Ten years of love, laughter, and pain. He was a charming man, but also a cruel one. He had a temper that could flare up at any moment, and he often took it out on her. He would hit her, insult her, and make her feel worthless. He would apologize later, and promise to change, but he never did.

She had tried to leave him many times, but he always found her and begged her to come back. He would shower her with gifts and affection, and make her believe that he was sorry. He would tell her that he needed her, that he couldn't live without her. He would make her feel guilty for wanting to leave him.

She had loved him once, but she had also feared him. She had hoped that he would change, but she had also lost hope. She had stayed with him, but she had also suffered.

One day, she found out that he had been cheating on her with another woman. He had been lying to her for months, telling her that he was working late or going on business trips. He had been spending his money on lavish gifts and hotels for his mistress. He had been living a double life, and he didn't care about her at all.

She confronted him, and he didn't deny it. He didn't even apologize. He told her that he was bored of her, that she was nothing to him. He told her that he wanted a divorce, and that he would take everything from her. He told her that she was a fool for staying with him, and that she deserved to be alone.

She felt a surge of anger and pain. She grabbed the nearest thing she could find, a picture frame with their wedding photo in it. She smashed it on his head, and watched him fall to the ground. She didn't know if he was dead or alive, and she didn't care. She ran out of the house, taking only a few belongings with her.

She drove to a secluded spot in the woods, where she had built a small fire. She threw the picture frame in the flames, along with some other things that reminded her of him. She watched them burn, and felt a sense of relief. She was free of him, free of his lies and abuse. She was free to start a new life, a better life.

She smiled as she walked away from the fire, leaving behind the ashes of her past.
Moral: **Sometimes we need to let go of the past and move on with our lives.**

© JR2K6
16sep23 #WritcoStoryChallange #writco #writcoapp #writcostorychallenge