

The Oracle pt. 5
Drae managed to make it to her room, before desinagrating into furious tears. She slammed the door in her wake, trying her best to shake the whole house with the effort. She crossed to her bed and flung herself onto the fluffy pillowtop, sinking into her all too familiar feelings of helpless rage and desperation. Falling deeper into her feelings of neglect. The resentment she harbored, felt like bile in her mouth. She fucking hated them. She fucking hated them all. Her stepmother, her father and brothers, maybe even the gods themselves. It wasn't her fault she'd been born different, yet she knew how pointless it was to complain. To wonder, 'why me?'. To moan and cry, 'o, woe is me!' Who would listen anyway? Who would fucking care?
'I'm done.' The thought was simple, but it landed like an anvil in Drae's mind. 'I am fucking done.' She decided right then and there that she'd truly had enough. She was done; she was done with it all. She sat up slowly as the finality of that thought began to dawn on her. Done. She. Was. Fucking. Done. There would be no celebration that following night. There would be no more suffering in silence. No more ridicule, no more hatred. No more Minerva. Drae was ready to put her plan into action at last. She was ready to kill her stepmother.

To be continued... thanks for reading!


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#mystery #horror #shortstory

© LaKeisha Hart