

Starring Outside My Window
I’m sitting here at the dinner table wondering if I should text her and ask her question. I pondered momentarily before deciding, and minutes later I send the question in a small message. Although I didn’t get a reply tonight I was ok with that because I knew she may have been occupied with other duties. I can’t seem to get this girl off my mind. There are moments while I’m at work distracted for a while, but suddenly as I take a small break she gets back into my head and then I wonder what to say to her. I google of ways to make her smile laugh or anything helpful incase she had a stressful day. I even translate some of the Spanish phrases into English. Eventhough I know Spanish well since I am a Hispanic individual, still there are terms and vocabulary that I don’t fully comprehend, and I do my research so I don’t sound silly.

I have yet to learn of my true feelings for this girl. I do know I find her attractive, I love her smile and to me she’s beautiful, but even more beautiful on the inside. I mean this girl is great. We have so much in common, I can be my complete self with her, plus we seem to have the same taste in music and movies. She loves Grease, I mean come on that is a classic movie after all. I dare anyone to debate me on that. Next to that is, a west side story. There’s no doubt I love romance films a lot especially these musical ones. I enjoy horror, spiritual in particular and mystery. I also love Marvel comics and DC comics film adaptations. While this all great things to share, the one partícular thing I love about this girl is that I feel completely comfortable with her. It is insane and hard to explain because we’ve never even shared a kiss, but all the suspense and mystery makes this feeling all that much more exciting for the day to finally arrive, whenever it may be. All I know is that as I moved from the kitchen table and began to stare out my window, watching this beautiful full moon. I am hopeful. Hopeful that we will see one another real, real soon.
© Johnny Cigars