

the setting sun and the moon ending 1/2
At the Tanima household, Kikuri shows her returning sister a letter from their supposed father. Konoe scoffs at it along with the money inside the envelope, saying that whoever their mother left must have done it for a reason. With their mother gone and Konoe working at every odd job she finds, their financial situation isn't the greatest. Kikuri hesitates to give up the donation as she knows the medicine and check ups she needs are expensive, but Konoe's resolve remains. When Konoe retires to her room, Kikuri experiences an attack from her illness and barely takes her medicine in time.

The next day, at Iori's apartment, Kikuri visits him with a bouquet of flowers. He asks her why she brings him flowers everyday, saying that Kuwahara would appreciate the gesture more than him. She listens to Iori's composition and hands him a written draft of her song. After scanning it, he demands to know why the song is a duet with her sister and why the lyrics are dedicated to him. He tells her that there's no chance he'll perform it when Kuwahara comes in. He briefly reports that a producer is interested in hiring them before heading out.

Later that night, Konoe and Iori discuss her sister's song at the live house. She explains that she doesn't want to waste her sister's efforts though Iori once again says that no is no. Konoe then explains that her sister was pretty depressed with her condition until Iori came around; ever since then, Kikuri tried harder to be cheerful and lively. Konoe remembers hearing from Kuwahara that Iori can make his debut and congratulates him. He asks the producer's name and leaves once he hears it. He beats Kuwahara and demands to know why Himemiya (the producer) came back from America.

Although Kuwahara knows that Himemiya is a swindler, he begs Iori to accept the offer since Himemiya has a monopoly of cash and influence behind him. Realizing that Kuwahara is in a Catch 22 situation, Iori asks him if he's doing this for Kikuri's sake. Himemiya enters and Iori states his intentions to leave the country. Himemiya mocks the protest, wondering aloud if Iori's trying to protect someone, and leaves laughing.

Konoe visits Iori's apartment later and asks if Iori refused his chance for a debut. She scolds that she would jump at the chance for Kikuri and her sake. Since the next show is their last, she responds that she won't sing anymore. Frustrated at his listlessness, she beats her fists on Iori's chest. He tells her to stop, saying that she'd only hurt herself. Everything he seems to be involved with crumbles away eventually. Kikuri walks in on them and apologizes for intruding. She then experiences another violent attack and collapses.

At the hospital, Kikuri hands her sister a revised draft of her song. She asks her sister to show Iori the newer version since he might leave them soon. On the roof, Kuwahara tells Iori that Kikuri is fine and asks him to leave town as he has enough talent to be good anywhere. Seeing Kuwahara's concern for the others, Iori quickly surmises that he is the father of the Tanima siblings; his worry for them during the last three years was proof enough. Konoe walks in and shows him the newer song but Iori leaves. He replies that he doesn't need it since he's leaving before their last show. He appears at Himemiya's house and accepts the offer. His sole condition is to never appear in this town again. At the concert, Konoe sings her sister's song and tells the audience that Iori left town. Additionally, the owner of the club reports to Kuwahara that Himemiya mysteriously lost interest with them.

Iori, alone at the docks, sings the last lines of the chorus before boarding the boat out of town.