

In the midst of opportunities and choices that shape our lives!
there's always been two roads as long as I can remember, either I choose one or a choose the other one. either by hesitating, simply getting annoyed then walking away or the other... someone just walks away.

opportunities, If you open your eyes, they present themselves to you in many ways within our day-to-day life.
sadly, you often have to choose one or the other. I've found myself dragging my feet once in a while when it comes to making a choice. not every opportunity is crucial nor is every opportunity something that you can simply walk away from easily.

heartache, pain, The memories that shall remain, celebrations, smiles, tears, and concerns that come from our society today within the choices that we make.
some choices just aren't light-hearted they are heavy burdened to bear. especially if you know that it will bring somebody else pain and misery.

Life is meant to be lived, shared, oftentimes spent in solitude to have time to reflect and comprehend. The day we stop making choices is the day that we die, the day that we give up on life itself, and often some people don't make no choices at all. They allow society, the crowd, and social media to make the choices for them.
© Life is amazing, if you let it be!