

The Motel
This is a work of fiction


Simi took out her phone and started searching for hotels . While going through the list of hotels one caught her attention. It had a peculiar beauty which captivated Simi and she quickly booked a room .

It was 8 in the evening , they stopped their car infront of a hotel .It was an old fort converted into a hotel but no renovation was done .
"Is this the hotel you booked ? ",Alisha asked Simi
"Di , this looks different from the one in the image while the name is same . They cheated us ", said Simi to Alisha .
"Don't worry . We have to spend just one night , we don't have to live here", said Alisha.
" We can't do anything, this is the only hotel here on this deserted way ", Darshna added .

"No gatekeeper . Strange . Guys be seated in the car I am opening the gate ", said Shreya stepping out of the car . While opening the gate she heard a cat moaning. But she ignored it.
Alisha drove her car to the entry door of the hotel . An old man came to help them park the car .
They moved inside the hotel towards the receptionist asking for keys to their rooms which Simi booked online . But , the receptionist was startled and said," Sorry ma'am but ,we don't book rooms online ".
"What is this ? They are playing tricks first they uploaded a false picture and now saying that they don't book online ", Simi said angrily .
"Hey calm down . Let's book a room . We all are tired and its dark outside ."said Shreya
"Make sure it's on the top floor . I have heard that the sunrise in Jaisalmer is beautiful. I want to see that ", said Darshna.
"There are total 14 rooms here . 12 are on ground floor and 2 on the first floor . Room 13 and 14 are on first floor ", said the receptionist.
"Okay. So let's book rooms 13 and 14 ", said Shreya .
"Sorry ma'am, room 13 is currently unavailable", said the receptionist.
Shreya and Darshna were observing the artefacts and furniture showcased in the hotel .
"You know , this place is bit strange . Look all the paintings are placed on the west wall. This is not considered good in Vastu . And they have placed pictures of the heirs of the Fort as if the owner of the hotel has not invested much money for the renovation of this place ", said Darshna.
"I heard a cat moaning while I was opening the gate . Well that doesn't matter ", added Shreya.
" Really? Cat's crying indicates that something unexpected can happen . I think this hotel is haunted . Did you all noticed that till now no guest is observed ",said Simi in a low voice .
"It's all in the mind . Ghosts are not real . Now come on I am going to the room", said Darshna .
While Darshna and Shreya moved towards their room , near the reception a fight broke between Simi and Alisha . Simi wanted to go to a better hotel but Alisha was tired and angrily shouted at Simi that if she wanted to go she can go .
"Fine , I am going . Call me tomorrow will come to pick you all ", said Simi and went driving the car away.

To be continued