

How many of you heard the term "GASLIGHTING"? Some of you may not even know you are a victim of this type of abuse, to gaslight someone is to mentally abuse someone to the point that they doubt their own reality, and isolate this person from all friends and family where they only have the person that is gaslighting them to lean on amd confide in, what a horrible sick twisted thing to do to another person, to take their own reality and twist it until they doubt all they think, do and say, and for no other reason but to hurt this person or to drive them into hurting themselves. Do you think you maybe a victim of this abuse or you know you are not have been gaslighted so long all your resources or friends and family are already long gone outta your life, I have someone close to me that feels that he is a victim of this type of abuse, he's even accuse me of being one of many people doing this to him, I can't make him see or even understand that it's not so, I need feedback on this if anyone knows or can relate to this abuse or any knowledge on Gaslighting, please share all thoughts, thank you from trying to hold on but wonder if I really do this to the one I love...