

EPOPL (Part-2)
....."It is the darkest secret of my life which I hide from from you children.but may be now the time has come !" she cried a lot and told maloy that she is suffering from cancer.. Leukaemia! She told its her last stage and asked to take care of Peter and not to tell this darkest truth to him.
On the other hand Peter was calling Maloy continuously to inform him something important.But Maloy directly went to London for visiting the specialists in oncosurgeons.
After a span of week Maloy and the best team of doctors came to India.They went to Peter's house.Maloy being stressed and depressed sat out in the garden for few minutes.At a time one of the team doctor came to Maloy and said "Don't you worry doctor.He is just at the 1st stage and we will cure him."
Maloy with a shocked and afraid look asked,"Wait, what do you mean by 'he',the patient was an old lady!!!" Maloy ran into the house and he saw....