

Love , Listen , Learn
The worst part of loving someone is knowing that they are not feeling the same about you and you still hang on to what you believe in, Listen to what you hear that makes you stress from them, Learn when they try in there power to keep there distance from you, What does all this mean ? That person is the first one comes through your mind when you wake up every morning, I dont know how or what to think about my situation but its very stressful and depressing, This woman was like the world to me, When she hurt I hurt, I felt every tear she dropped, Her appearance was my favorite vision, A shooting star she kept me wishing, There are a million things I can say about her and one day something happened !!! One phone call turned my dreams into nightmares, I became A old person, My nerves were destroyed emotionally, My morning singing birds became night screaming bats, Damn....What the hell happened ? This nightmare had a Elm street, Im learning how am I gonna make it this, Anything is possible though so I will just let the Lord handle it, Everybody has there on beliefs !! Treatment centers keep you away from drugs and alcohol, Basically you cant get any," Your calling the wrong person for help,"Okay for example, If you went to church and the pastor asked the crowd that if anyone wanted to give there life up to God and be saved to come on up !! From A full house and only a couple of people will walk up trust me I seen it happen. So whats my solution to my problem ? You dont have to walk on water to stand next to Jesus, I dont care who dont like me anymore, Only the lord can cure me so the love of my life I had to let go. Making changes can be difficult sometime but only if you trying to impress others, I was one of those people but its about time for me to be a better man and worry about myself and get my life right, I loved,I listened, And Learned now the wheels turned to blessings I earned.
© Battles Through Struggles