

Enjoy this event called life I believe a lot in this and the accident which took place today morning made my belief more strong today’s morning was as usual for me till the time I took my mobile phone in my hand and checked the WhatsApp message saying that one of my colleagues is no more with us, I was like....... shocked how come this can happen I called up her daughter she picked up the call and said ma'am Papa is no more, I asked what happened she told that he went for his morning walk at 6:30 and suddenly fall. We took him to the hospital and he was declared dead.
I’m working with him since the last 11 years I have seen him working hard for his family, I have seen him doing savings so that he can arrange a good marriage for her daughter, I have seen him praising her wife that how she adjusts with him and never complains.
but now what he's gone he left behind her unmarried daughter her wife and a little bit of saving.
he always wanted her daughter that she should get a government job I never saw him enjoying his life he was always behind money and working hard and hard he depreciated his body had high BP, high glucose, and many health issues.
I saw him a little bit satisfied a few months before when her daughter got a private job he devoted all his life for her daughter and got what nothing and today he's gone.
so now what one should do we have only one life it depends on us what side we have to go we are responsible for our family but are we not responsible for ourselves too after having a family we do not have the right to live and enjoy every moment.
as soon as we die our identity becomes a body people don’t even call us by a name whom we tried to impress our whole life so live a life to impress the creator, not the creation.
take chances, to tell the truth, learn to say no, spend money on things you love, laugh till your stomach hurts, dance even if you are bad at it, be a child.

moral:- death is not the greatest loss, loss is when you die being alive so enjoy this event called life.