

BLoG: A Brand Ambassadors Life
So as I complete event after event. I grow more and more to LooVe what I do. The importance of Brand Ambassadors is key to a successful event. The roles we take on, the tasks we are assigned to are super important to the client as well as the attendees that are at said event. No matter how small your role may seem it is vital that you fulfill it to the best of your ability. As a Brand Ambassador
we must reinforce the weakest points of the clients armor so that their brand shines even in the toughest and most complicated situations.

Representing a Brand demands a lot of responsibility. Arriving on time, communicating clearly and being professional at all times are factors that cannot be overlooked. The client is depending on you, a stranger for the most part, to do whatever it is they need done. Whether it's registration, directionals, interacting with attendees or scanning badges the list is long. It's imperative that you are focused, present and ready for whatever comes at you. There are times when you must be a problem solver or resolution finder. Inevitably, you are the face of the brand itself so you must act as such. Again, professionalism is your main responsibility and your ability to be flexible and versatile is monumental. These abilities are imperative to selling yourself as a capable individual, or brand ambassador. As the idea is to have the client call you back for future events. You must sell yourself as an effective and reliable source.

I have been working as a Brand Ambassador on and off for many years (since 2008). I have been of service to a variety of companies in need of branding and or marketing. I LooVe what I do and allow it to show through my actions and abilities. Key elements of being a brand ambassador are that one is well spoken, educated and that one can remain composed in front of any kind of adversity or confusion. No matter the situation you must always remain on your toes and on your game. I always put my best foot forward and excel in conditions and situations that demand 100% of my attention.

Working as a Brand Ambassador offers many benefits such as great pay, a wide range of diverse events, the opportunity to work with many people, a high level of teamwork, the opportunity to both challenge yourself and to craft your abilities. The main challenge that exists as a Brand Ambassador is the ability to seek out and find said events on your own time and to fill your schedule accordingly. One must always remain working of course to pay your bills. So it is best to sign up with as many marketing companies as possible in order to build and create a funnel of work that is constantly turning or coming through your doors.

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