

haunted warehouse 2
It all got worse and everything was getting weird at that particular time.
mom:Lizzy we will have to get u enrolled to a new school,there are big schools around.
bro:buh mom! if Lizzy goes to a new school who will I hung with?
mom: Tom!!! she called on top of her voice and dad came quickly,
Tom:what Matilda!!why u yelling on top of your voice?
mom:will have to get Jorge to a kindagarten school he won't be home schooled no more.
dad: that's a good idea he thought for a while whilst carrying Kate . Kate's my young baby sister.
dad: Matilda Kate called me dad!!!!😄😄😄I'm so happy I will get her a bicycle on her first birthday.
that night we had planned to have a family game but it got windy and it begun to rain heavily.our power cut and it was all scary I could hear sounds like someone was breaking cups and dishes in the kitchen I was so scared👾 I closed my eye's and went to bed .
suddenly kate begun to cry whilst on her crib .

that night was long I could see some shadows coming to Me,i hid under the bed and begin screaming then dad came running
dad;Kira what happened are u okay ?and I said I saw someone and dad said
dad:Kira! ghost's don't exist and he told me they were imagination and I quickly went to bed

as dad was walking the sensed something and went into gorge's room and found him playing and talking so someone invisible👻
dad :gorge it's late go to bed
gorge:dad arju wants to play and dad quickly lifted gorge and sung a lulurby then gorge fell asleep.