Never forget
The day starts off at school, when they were learning about the science machine.
"So the first machine was made in…." Said the teacher as she get interrupted.
"Ugh" Said Froster tiredly.
"And what's that supposed to be?" Asked the science teacher Mr Crayhead.
"No offense but, it's a really good way to describe thie, but hard to say, but the truth is that science is so boring!!!"
"I see, and who again agrees on what Froster just vomited"
"Oh, come guys, you all know this"
"Good, now, your punishments are, you are all going to bring a scientific device on science homework"
"Oh, come on bro"
After class, Froster ran home and took Celine's sciencific object, and didn't want to give it back because he needed it for school.
That same evening, as Froster was coming out from the bathroom, his little sister came out from nowhere
"I want it!!! "
"That scientific thing from Celine room, and went there to search for it, but it isn't there "
"And by the way, I need it for my science project, cause my teacher told the whole school to do something, because of what you said to him"
"Wait, so it went worldwide"
"It went schoolwide, my eyes are on you, get it? "
"Hey, did you see my Comorosco-geniticomo?"
"You mean the scientific object, that you place on your ears"
"Yes, those, did you see them? "
"And why do you need them?"
"For my project in class, science"
"Oh, but you like being an amazing person , why don't you make another scientific object so that you will get an A+"
"Look strange, great part from you, but who cares"
So Celine enters into her scientific lab and makes another scientific machine, and she decides to try it for the first time.
So she tries it and it takes her to the past, when the day started, as they ate, went to school and after school, she saw Froster stealing her little machine.
"Atleast, when I've done this one, he will know that I'm not a dummie"