

Magic Wizards Ep 7:Wizard A's Lair (Part 4)

Today's Read:Filled with possible traps. Did the Wizards just fall into a trap? If you wanna understand the story more please go back to the previous episodes. Let the story continue.

Ep 7:Wizard A's Lair. (Continues)

The Wizards had finally arrived at the location given by Wizard A. Although, questions still roamed around through their heads;specifically Quincy's. Of all places, why is it his dad's work location? You'd think a lair would be more secret or in a more mysterious place. Not that the given location wasn't already mysterious enough. There were no people around since the place was closed. And even the shops and places around that location were closed. A few cars went by here and there and a few strangers walking by. They had noticed them and thought they might get in trouble for trespassing but they didn't seem to care.

"Alright this is it guys...are we ready." Rascals said.

"I'm not sure. But i guess." Rj said after anxiously.

"As long as we get out of this alive." Rege answered gazing at the place and having thoughts. They turned to Quincy waiting for an answer.

He sighed. Closed his eyes as if he were saying a quick prayer to himself then opened them. "Yeah sure let's go."

"Wait...since the place is most likely locked, we're gonna get in with magic? right?" Rj suggested.

"Well...i guess..." Rascals started to say. Then looked around making sure no one was watching them. "But we need to be careful."

"Also if it's locked are we sure we'll find anything?" Rj continued.

Quincy sighed and walked up to the door. He tried to be braver than he already was. He turned back to them.

"It's locked. We're gonna have to go to the back and use magic there so no one can see us."

"Okay." Rj said.

They nodded agreeing. Heading to the back couldn't be the worse decision could it?! After all, no one would see them.But beginning to head the direction suddenly... a noise behind them had interrupted. A creak. An unfamiliar sound.

"Guys...look. The door's opened." Rege gasp turning around. They did a quick pause unsure of what to think or what to do.

"Alright let's go." Rascals said breaking the pause.

Rj's eyes got huge. "Wait shouldn't we still use the back?"

Without hesitation, Rege walks inside and Quincy slowly follows behind him. Giving the others no choice but to follow as well.

In the inside, it was dark. Dark as the night sky. Even darker. Not a spec of light or anything except the light from outside with the door opened.They even bumped into each other. It was like a scene from a horror movie.

"G-guys.." Rj began to say. The others looked around.

More noise came. And it was FAR from what they excepted. Candles from both sides the left and the right lit up the room. A lonnnnnnng hallway that never ends was in front of them. And they were standing right at the beginning of it. This was definitely NOT Mr.Baren's job anymore.

"What..the.." Quincy breathe in shock still watching. They couldn't believe their eyes.

To the left they see Wizard B costumes. All hung up like clothes on hangers. You could probably get lost in them if you walked through. And to the right Wizard A costumes. All hung up. By now they were all terrified and wished they hadn't walked inside. But it was too late! The door behind them had shut! And they received a Text message on all their phones. Text:WELCOME_Wizard A. (To be continued...)

#Mystery #Thriller #Magic #Love #Heartbreak #Teendrama #Greenville #WizardA #WizardB

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