

I celebrate growth and progress.
I know where I'm coming from and where I started from
Today I stand firm and gallant.

This platform WRITCO has helped to write consistently. Although I may not post everyday doesn't mean I don't write everyday.

They have added a feather to my writing career. I became more intensional and I saw a career path in writing.

I have experienced exponential growth.

My writing is more intensional in the values I dish out.

Today, I was just reflecting back on my journey so far. It's been amazing and intriguing,watching myself grow from newbie to probie.

I have been able to overcome fear which was my major detractor. Today I can face anything,anytime,cos I'm confident I can do all things through Christ who gives me the ability.

To the entire WRITCO company, family and friends, thanks for the platform and for being part of my success story. I couldn't have done it without you. It's been an amazing journey of experience to be here and I look forward to a greater and a better 2023 writing expedition with you guys.


© the signature graceJ