

Voice of the moon :- Chapter 1

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I was usually a loner, but I never felt lonely. Somebody was with me – all the time. While many feared the dark night, I longed for the twilight to come. It took me a while to realize that the moon was like my best friend. She was like the shining ball of hope in the darkest of times. She gave me the strength, courage, and hope to move forward.

I would often visit the mountains to rejoice in the grace and the enchantment of the moon. I loved how even after 14 years had passed; the elegance of the moon still shocked me.

That was not the only reason I loved her company. She was surrounded by shining stars but was completely alone, like me. I was not immensely popular in school either. In fact, I sat alone in the last desk. The kids completely ignored me, but I felt better that way.

I lived with my cousins who hated me. We were not exactly friends.

Everything used to be so wonderful. I still don't know whether it was all a miraculous dream or reality. I used to live in an amazing place. The one that that I felt in that place was magic, just pure magic.

That dream place was just wonderous. My parents were there with me. That's the only memory or an illusion of seeing myself laughing. I must have been a year old. 14 years had passed since then. I'm 15 years old now. My parents are no longer with me. Though I would never admit it, I really want that illusion to be real. I always tell that a home is a place where you feel warmth. There are only two places that feel homely – the mountains and the library.

The library in my town is huge. Often, I take books from there and sit and read in the breeze of the mountains. Apart from the Moon, the books were my only friends. They meant the world to me. I was so glad that I had them as my friends. Even though many people saw it as weird, I cherished talking to the moon and sitting under its glow.

I was so happy with them that I forgot what real life even was. I never really used to think that humans could ever understand me. I always felt that they saw me as a weirdo. Perhaps I am. I never thought that I would ever have a real friend until I met her.