


Each life is a trip that takes us to places we either love, hate, or wish for something totally different. Too many people spend most of their lives comparing themselves to others and it is this comparison that can only serve to erode your own unique qualities and your inner fabric.
Every person is special in this world and it is not a welcome attitude to ever suggest that you should not change yourself to become an exact copy of another person, nor should one attempt to believe or behave, or to own, or to acquire what everyone else has or appears to have.

Living Is Not Just Using Time
Each day you live is not simply a matter of putting in time but it is, instead putting time towards making life better whether that be to learn more, to contribute to the happiness of others, or to ensure that everyone you come in contact with leaves with feeling a little more positive.

One aspect of your journey is to confront risks with a view to minimize any negative impact by turning risks into manageable little bite size chunks or to plan a resolution that sees the risk as an opportunity, as hope, not as despair.

Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some." Charles Dickens

© feliinspiremyworld