

Wake Up O Sea of Spirits, Awaken!
As one trained in shamanism I realised today that I had to start dreaming for my Human Tribe... All nearly 8 billion of us are being given an opportunity in the present to receive a huge gift of grace... but, we have to wake up to receive it!

We - as the 'awakeners' - are required to wake up others through the lifegiving 'fire' of the Sun and water - the liquid light - contained in all Life!

Goddess Pele - the Hawai'ian Volcano/Earth Goddess of both magmic Fire and Inner Waters is calling us to use her sacred song and to regain our inherent strength: "Makalahia" - maaa kaaa laaa heeee aaaaa.... This awakens our life force (passion) energy through our body's water! It connects us to the essence of who we are!

You can sing this powerful mantra over and over like an Aborigine 'songline' or give it your own tune and sing it in your heart throughout your wakeful state... Sing it in the shower or bath! Sing it out loud, especially when you are outside!

It will become our chant! The more who sing it the more of us will awaken to our sacred purpose!

It awakens us... brings in new vitality and ideas... makes us more perceptive and open to listening to Great Spirit's messages to us personally and for our people!


I took a long walk this morning.

On setting out I asked for a teaching for this time we are in right now....

As I walked up and along the ancient mountain I received several pointers with important messages...

1st: I came across 5 bushes of Wild Basil - full of seeds - growing on our farm where I had not seen them before... and they are not even endemic to our area! They are healing herbs that open up our perception when burnt, and interestingly enough - the chest - when used as a vapour! 5 is the number of the Hierophant - the bridge between heaven & earth - huge teaching is in this herb...as it is in many medicinal plants. Nature provides for us! Have we forgotten? Our human tribe has turned our backs on Nature's grace and love for us. We no longer honour Her... or accept her gifts.

2nd: I found a Y shaped stick... like a "kattie" shape. Immediately, I knew this was about choices we make, directions we take and where we are aiming our energy.... What are we choosing at this time? How're our choices going to affect everything on our planet & even beyond?

3rd: I found a dark hadida feather on my path. Now may seem gloomy & many of us have stopped dreaming - as the future seems uncertain. Hadida is my alarm clock and says "Wake up!"
If you hold its feather to the Sun it is irradescent! Light is seen like a rainbow in the darkness! What new world are we dreaming of? What are we manifesting in our thoughts right now?

4th: I found a guinea fowl feather lying at my feet. It is black dotted with white! It reminds us that we can be pockets of light for others in this time of tribulation... we are beacons of light so that others can see their way & not feel fear or dispare... We can be balancers with our sense of humour & our common sense!

5th: A kieviet feather was lying to my left side as I walked... black and white areas clearly defined - but contained in one feather! The polarity we live in indicated herein. We often forget that both the dark and the light are very much our lesson here in this Duality Dispensation. Without darkness there would be no light... and without light there would be no darkness... they are both highly creative forces that are our world. But one must never predominate over the other.... The yin-yang energy must prevail. We must strive for balance within ourselves and without us... Only through accepting both, without judgement, can we be healed to at-one to the Creator!

6th : I found wild flaming Gladioli flowers -transmutation energy given! Goddess Pele smiled!

7th: Background of the Earth - our brilliant turquoise watery home. We are over 70% water, the Earth is also over 70% water... through water we can awaken everyone!

Bless you all to sing & mindfully intend Humanity's wakening up through our liquid light inside!

Indiana December 2020

© Indiana vdw