

The Shadows that Cast Light
This lake reminds me of Veronica. Eyes reminiscent of sacred blue. A rare hue that follows a February rain pulling back it's blankets of dark clouds and leaving the sun reflecting through a few aqua drops onto a glassy water mirror. My thoughts greater than the sky holding Earth. My own Gaia, feeling memories here more than anywhere else. In a deceitful world...there was nowhere else. I remember sitting here with every moment of our past bleaching the air around me as those nights bled into years. My internal compass spun orbits around lucid dreams. Every direction was a stretching eternity, showing me numerous paths, multiple realties, but forbidding me to continue. Unknown, ever-present, like the lake and the depth beneath. The shadow that cast light.. Veronica, just thinking of her name constricted my veins. She was the fifth chamber of my heart, the place that holds our deepest of emotions. Now abandoned , leaving nothing but handprints pressed against glass, still waiting, still loving. Lamenting breaths exhaled with a quickened pulse as i replayed scenes of our past. I would catch a glimpse of her reflection from the cooling lake, a profile etched into the clouds, nature would whisper her name, and even raindrops would remind me of her footsteps. Cool tears falling on my skin from the storm above. And with the arcs strobing across the violent sky i call out that name like thunder. The shadow that cast light. Veronica. I would say it in a way that made every letter of her name as important as the name itself. I would let the exquisite pulse of that name carry every wish I ever made. A testament word , a name held the life I sacrificed. Lifting all heaven, I would see this beauty the night she stood over me as I was lowered into the Earth. I could feel her fire through the ground, through my resting place and into my heart. The shadow that cast light. This lonely lake where I sit, as a ghost. She sits next to me as she did when we could still hold each other. Her hand inside mine. Warm? Tangible? She turns her head towards me and for the first time her eyes find mine. She smiles and with a tear she whispers, "I'm ready to come to you , please wait here for me....I love you". I watch her walk without fear into the arms of this lake. Its welcoming aqua embraces her. Then, her her hand again in mine, I feel her. I hear her voice. My love is whole again. Death is not the end. Love is eternal. The shadow that cast light.
© Midian