

Michael loves and his caring sister
Michael Love sees his sixteen year old sister Aubree while at his concert and smiles so happyliy to see her face

Aubree says big brother and runs to him on stage!

Michael love hugs her back and gets a chair and says here's a sit for you my little sister

Aubree sits on the chair and put her head on Michael's shoulder and says I'm on stage yay!

Michael love giggles and puts his hand on her chin and tickles it

Aubree giggles and says Michael that tickles so much!

Michael love smiles at her and let's go her chin and starts to sing his song called family to his audience. he sings so softly.

Aubree starts to cry tears of joy and hides her face

the audience starts to sing along and cheers for Aubree

Michael love sees his little sister crying. he puts he hands off her face. puts his hands on her shoulders tightly and says shhh it's ok cry tears of joy but don't hide it sometimes when we cry its ok to see you cry sometimes you shouldn't hide your feelings its ok to let it out.ok?

Aubree whips her tears and says sorry everyone and ok thank you I got Emotional in joy.

Michael love puts his hands on her cheeks and kiss her forehead and says I'm here for you my sister and Don't be sorry Bree and everyone in here cares for you right guys!

the crowd cheers for Aubree and says we Love you.

Aubree starts to smile and hugs her brother's arm and says go ahead you can sing now

Michael love smiles at Aubree and whipers in her ear ok i got you my dear little sister. he starts back to singing to his Audience.

Aubree closes her eyes and bops her head to the song

a few hours later the concert ends and two fans named jeannie and Adam comes to Michael love when he's about get in his car

jeannie says Michael love!

Michael love says what's up?

Adam smiles and says you're little sister seems so sweet I like her and she seems to be a wonderful sister just like my half sister jeannie.

jeannie smiles and say thank you Adam and its ture Michael

Michael love smiles and says she never fails me she makes me smile a lot. makes everyone feel special and I'm glad she was made by God himself without her I don't know what to do.

jeannie and Adam smiles and says awwwww

Michael love and his fans takes a picture together and waves goodbye.

Michael love gets in his car and sees Aubree sleeping.

Michael love puts his jacket off and puts it on his sister and says goodnight my precious little sister sweet dreams and may God bless your beautiful soul.

Aubree sleeps peacefully and smiles in the car ride

Michael love drives home and smiles

the end