

Sadness tenfold
I pray you never know the mind crushing pain of another person taking your daughter from your arms because the mother of your child thinks screaming at the top of her lungs refutes the disgusting person that she is, and her friend acting like I'm to blame for the growth she never tried to attain. The life you helped create getting ripped from you for not respecting the lack of accountability she has. I can build with just about anyone but someone that merely wants to be known and catered to for things she chose not to fix. She thinks I'm street smart, I told her I just treat people how I want to be treated and they reciprocate. No deceit necessary people love when they see love. She generalized every chance she got disregarding anything I've ever done just to downplay it as some ruse I preform to get what I want. Every bit of love I've ever received came from years of love and loyalty. Just cause you don't want to challenge yourself doesn't make my feats any less credible. Her mother was the exact opposite of the person she is today when I met her. I initially seen someone a bit rough around the edges and thought who isn't and found out that was a choice because how do you entrap a man without making him think he's helping just for him to realize you didn't want to change. You just wanted me to die helping you with the same problem because that's love to you a man hurting and losing everything he holds dear till you find someone with a clean slate to eat off till that guy makes the mistake of thinking there is a better outcome with you when you're comfortable with the worst ones.
© mojojojo2895