

He Who Will Be Judged
A young boy on his 5 years of age live with his poor family, they were accused of being one of the terrorist group known as NTO (National Terror Organization). Being accused by the government, his father was killed by one of the soldiers of the military in the middle of the ricefield he was working everyday to provide money and food for his family.

The young boy's mother was full of grief after receiving the news about her husband. She always asked herself "Why? Why us? We are only poor people who's trying to make a living, we are not terrorists, we are farmers!"

The boy asked his mother "Mama, why are you crying? Where's papa?"

The mother hold her son's tiny hands and said "Son, Papa will be gone just a few years ok? We will be seeing him soon but for now we're on our own."

The mother hugged her son tightly and prayed that both of them especially her son would get through this and be safe from the devil's grasp.

2 years later the mother and the boy are getting desperate from the shortage of food and water, so they abandoned their home to seek some supplies inside the city. The both of them search through the garbage and they also tried to beg for money from people walking on the streets, luckily for them there are still good people left on this world.

After saving some money both the mother and the son went inside a local supermarket to buy some canned foods to eat but to their luck, their savings are just isn't enough.

Desperate from hunger, the mother stole two canned foods and quickly grabbed her son's arm and run outside the market. The cashier yelled at them and called the police to arrest them... The both of them entered a small alley and they runned as fast as they could, the mother realized that the police can catch up to them in a minute especially when they are lacking strength from starvation.

The mother is scared for the life of her son, so she hid him inside a dumpster and said "Whatever happens don't ever come out, Mama will be back soon ok? I'm doing this because I love you".

The son begged his mother not to go but the mother refused and closed the heavy cover of the dumpster. He screamed inside begging his mother to stay but went silent after he heard two men outside abusing his mother.

A few minutes later, he heard four gunshots outside the dumpster. Frozen in fear, the boy prayed and hope that the evil men won't find him.

But suddenly the heavy cover has been opened by two police men, they dragged him outside and throw him in the ground. His vision become blurry from the impact of the throw but when his vision cleared out he saw his mother laying in a pool of her own blood with four gunshot wounds in her body.

The boy begged the police men "Please, spare my life."

But the police men ignored his pleas and drag him towards them. The two men ordered the young boy to get on his knees and put his hands on his head, the boy followed their orders.

But what he doesn't expect from the two police officers, is when one of them pointed a gun just right over his left ear and pulled the trigger shooting him dead. The boy fall, face first in the muddy floor of the alley and the police officers have a satisfied looks on their faces when they finally realized they are getting a bonus on their salary.

The two police officers planted evidence on the mother and her son's dead body. They put guns on one of their hands and a sachet of illegal drugs so they can avoid suspicion from the public.

4 years later, the world is now suffering from typhoons, volcanic eruption and a pandemic that's killing thousands of people around the world. The people ask themselves....

"Is this the punishment of God?"
© Dave