

The Shekels we Used while Visiting HADES
The Parakeets of Hell Sqwauked, "Write a meme , write a meme at the front door of the Mansion," I said to my Apprentice.
"They did? What did you do when you heard that at the front door of hell?" My apprentice Eastern Star asked.
"I just took it in stride pulled out a large Scroll and started doing as told, they had glowing red eys and reptilian scale and electric blue feathers." I said.
"What kind of meme did you write?" She asked.
"Forget everything else," I wrote,"No matter where you find yourself, the universe must respond to an appeal to treat you well and give you good luck!"
"Is that true?"the Aprentice asked me.
"Of course it is true!" I told my apprentice.
"I think your mistaken," the apprentic argued and she conjured up a self service bar in our tower of the castle where we were trapped together by the Wicked Left Hand path wizard who was desperate to marry this female to me and breed the ultimate Demonic Child from our...