

Is this a Nightmare ?
In the midst of the forest,
I found myself lying on the ground.
"Is this a dream or am I dying."
Then there came an Angel who looked like my Father.
He talked to me a lot, more than our usual conversation.
He was making me understand but I didn't get his perceptions.
He cried a lot sitting beside me.
I could see him , feel him , but my unshaken body couldn't even reply .
At this moment I came to realise that,
my time on this earth is completed. And I am going to die. Something must have happen!! But I don't know what?
After a long time I came back to my sensesand now... I am the one who is crying and my father was lying on the ground.
Slowly I understand and remember what he said; "My daughter you should live, I'm gonna protect you till my last breath. Your father will bear his promise".
"Your life is worth more precious, my Princess."Be brave as your father was".

- Areeba.F