

dearest you, (2)
How are you? Its been a week or two already, right? It already felt too long for me. I'm always waiting for your letter to come.

Sounds desperate?

Well, I guess, I really am.

But, it's new.

I've never been so bold before or just this honest. I don't either want to judge my feelings. I'm being driven by my emotions

I'm confused.

Sometimes, I think about you — a lot actually. I don't know if you are too or I'm just an another part of your story.
I'm hoping for that day when you can tell me the truth.

please, just let me know...

I pray that you are safe.

You have your life and mine is too far to be part of yours.

I hope that we will figure out all of this, especially, for myself. Someday we will see each other, we are not confused or strangers...

but just be us.

I'm praying that God will bless you in all of the desires of your heart. That you will live a life far from regrets and pain.

I'm just here...

and hoping that after all the years, I can still love you like this.

I will be talking to God more about you. In that way, I'm sure you are being taking care in a way that I can't.

Sleep well, my love. See you in dreams.

I miss you.

© mayflr