

if You are Tense, do Read. The value of your Heart.
No man is of intelligence, if he only stretched out his intelligence and he connects the verses of the glorious Quran with his own point of view. So do you really think Allah is not aware. It is he who has designed this life and he even holds his grip on what is unseen for us. We were granted the Sense by Allah to make a living out of our knowledge, but in these times we disrespect true knowledge massively. You have to remember that you can't be an action figure who may look good or have been treated as a hero (Action Figure). It is dictating that, you won't be able to be active all the time and neither you must keep your emotions as others want you to be. Allah, when he created human and whole of the humanity who are living here as an civilization, we in truth have become hollow when we don't praise our emotions, but we hardly ever attain the meaning between what is Empty and what is Hollow. Allah has given you or bestowed this (Heart), yes. It's the heart not the emotions the various situations and what Allah decides for us it matters and do you really think. These educated people whose temporary aim is only to ask somebody's potential by acquiring how many classes they jumped and if. It is not a lot, they will let you down. Ability and Belief is something that the Mentally Handicapped people will always stand in front of it. It Burns, it Burnssssssssssssssssss. Let it burn for your own Good.