

STOP FGM -( Part 2)
Continuing the explanation regarding FGM- A TERRIFIC PRACTICE
Female Genital Mutilation

This practice is mostly done on women who are at a young age. This practice actually has like zero benefits to women infact this gives many negative side effects to a female.
It creates a long time physical and psychological health effects on her .
Just imagine having undergone that pain, do you think you can really forget that? forgetting that incident where you have undergone intense pain even after the process?
It's been said that it's done because of maintaining the honour of that particular family, for some suppressing women's sexuality, for some it's like ensuring the girl's future marriage letting her stay having suppressed sexual desires, being virgin until she marries, enhancement of male pleasure etc. The process where it's sewed will be opened when she marries , does it happen with everyone ? what about other processes?
Even those who perform use mostly the used tools, if rusted ? Come on! The practice itself is dangerous, now including these factors . Just imagine the life of that female's mental and physical health?
This also affects the women's urine passage , affects periods ,issues like severe pain, prone to infections, cysts , other tissue damages, also affects giving birth to a child, and may also risk to death. There are even other risks but I stated in simple terms to you , hearing them I mean the other effects in a detailed manner will be even more terrible ,the above one itself seems scary isn't it ?
~ Let's say no to FGM
Don't become victims
Help the victims if possible~

© RR
((((Info : I've made conclusions based on what I've read and seen according to the data and facts stated.
BG credits : Time ))))

#StopFGM #SaynotoFGM #terrificpractice #letsbreaktherazor