

I was seriously staring at a strange man."wow,this man is totally handsome with his nice hair cut, his observable see through nice shirt showing off his nicely arranged six packs and almost making me feel like I truly wish to find shelter within him".
I was in a state of trance for a while when I absolutely felt a hot pain around my left foot, followed by a huge and an embarrassing fall when I stumbled against a huge rock unknowingly whiles staring at the handsome guy.
"Ouch-Aah-aah", this is so embarrassing I said. Suddenly, I heard someone giggles and a crowd of people laughing at me; "ha-ha-haaa".
To my uttermost surprise, the guy that I was staring at, immediately came out from the crowd of people and suddenly raise me up on my feet by grabbing my left hand with his big hands.
"Thank you,please", I said when I heard someone mentioning my name,"Lora, Lora,Lor-aaa" from the crowd of people gesturing me to come closer to her. My sister, Luna! oh my God! That was her! As I rushed off and got closer to her.
© Esther osei

"Lora, be on guide", said by Luna as she grabbed me by my left hand and walk along with me towards the road side to board a car home which was even far away from the beach.
Reaching home, my sister Luna prepared a palatable dish for the family to enjoy whiles I was busy thinking about this strange handsome guy.
There's not even a seconds of time that I never think of this strange handsome guy. I wish I forever fall down only just to be touched by his perfect muscular built arm and be held by his perfect big hands.
In fact when he raised me up on my feet, my frozen heart began to melt as I could vividly see him clearly. I almost drool. "What a perfect man! I said in my head whiles still staring at him".
I wish he was all here with me whiles I rest my head on his shoulder and just fall asleep.

I was still thinking when Luna just snapped me out of it by shouting loudly inside my ear drum saying; "Lora, Lo-r-aa-aa!!! and shaking me off my feet whiles I fell down.
" Lora, are you sure everything is well with you?", asked by Luna with a concern actions on her face. Since we came back from the beach, you have been behaving strangely.
Tell me! what do you have in your little brain as she slowly sat down on the couch.
You're my sister, Lora! Everything that worried you affect me too. If you don't tell me about it, I will never forgive you in the near future as she furiously folded her arms.

"Luna, I'm fine", I said as I look at her smiling.
"I Know you care for me but at this tender age I still have something in mind that I can never understand or even stop thinking about it, Luna"
" Just forget it! As I stand on my feet to move inside my room".
" Oh poor Lora", as I heard my sister, Luna saying so as she watched my back.