

The Story of Clarissa Ann and I (Part 1)
So I'm gonna put into words exactly what all of my poems are about. most are about the same person. The happy, the sad, and the angry. This girl put me through so much shit. I have been in some bad relationships, but this was.....well, it was just a roller coaster of very high highs, and the lowest of lows. She broke my heart more times than I have fingers. To start off I'll say that she was married, but it really isn't as bad as it sounds, at least not in my opinion. Let me explain.
One night I was over at the house that she, I'll call her Ann, and her husband, I'll call him Gump, we're living. It was Ann's sisters place. I was friends with Gump and we were having some drinks and just hanging out. Im gonna keep this part brief because the actual details aren't super important, only the events themselves are integral to the story as a whole. So as the night wore on, we were having a good time. Ann asks me to come into the house so she could ask me a question. I was taken aback by this, also very nervous. I'll explain why later. She took me into their bedroom and dat next to me on the bed. She asked me if I would be interested in swinging with them. I had never done anything like that and at first I declined. We walked back outside and she told Gump my response. We continued to hang out a while longer until they both asked me again. They were very persistent, so finally I gave in. I won't get into the details of it, but suffice to say I wasn't comfortable with it and was unable to do it. So before anything really got started, with me anyway, I left. I texted both of them the next day and apologized.
Fast forward a couple weeks later and we were hanging out and partying again. Once again Ann pulled me into her bedroom and asked me if I would try again. I told her that I...