

No one HERE gets out alive!
This line from the song when the music's over was more than a FIXATION with death! The song was a prediction, a prognostication of an end to a human life of possibilitie found within the doors of perception. Jim Morrison wrote when the music's over to more than entertain & to make a million dollars,as he said during the group The Doors inception.
For Morrison, life's journey was to discover through the doors of perception his literary hero William Blake championed, were the doors that blazed a path to the ultimate resting place of human suffering....Death

Life for Morrison meant suffering and death the finality of existence ended suffering..

Songs like The End, Break on through to the other side, the crystal ship, & when the music over were morbid odes to death. The doors of perception for Morrison were the means that would bring about the desired end... Death...

Death was sacred to Morrison. It was a way to both objectively and subjectively come to terms intrinsically with the end of pain.. Labor pains, growing pains, & mortality pains.

In MORRISON'S world, life, in all of its rites of passages and self discoveries would bring man to death which was closure,. It was closure in that it obliterated the metaphysical question of to be or not to be.? If life is painful than to be is just to accept the absurd as Albert Camus pondered, and for Morrison this was not only insulting but also pointless

Death matter more than life to Morrison.
Life, with all of it's challenges was like being in an endless torture chamber with every passing minute a concentual acceptance of one's own self mutilation.

In conclusion, one can, with a careful listen & study, clearly see in the lyrics, music and history of Jim Morrison the ongoing journey towards the end of the pain he associated with human existence
and with or without God, with or without an after life with or without sobriety, Morrison could find no viable options or arguments that gave credence to the notion that life was a song worth singing.

© Timo5272