

The Glitch Virus Chapter 2
Hi, this is Cora again. This is day 10 of what people have started calling the Glitch Virus. The virus has begun taking more victims. I've only been outoutside once since the first emergency broadcast, and I live alone. I was watching TV again when the show was replaced by an emergency broadcast. "We have interrupted this show to tell you about the Glitch Virus. The strange virus has taken 20 more lives. Like Conner Bradely, they spontaneously started glitching, and disappeared. We found out that all 20 of these people came into contact with Conner before he glitched. We believe that this strange virus is spread through contact. Please keep your distance from other humans at all costs." At this point I was even more scared. What if this virus took away my friends? Or my family? What if this virus took away humans?