

all mothers wish.
a dying mother once Said to her daughter "My child this world is full of evildoers, so I want you to always live by your faith, Because not all enemies attack from behind. so... so my child always remember to follow your dreams and support your fellow Ones, because there's gonna be lot of obstacles and many will challenge you, just put your name first and move forward, let your enemies be your path and victory your destination, because there is no bigger goal then your aim.
learn to fight your own battles, even if life doesn't accept your greatness, you accept your greatness because that's you to decide, life gives us second chance to rectify our mistakes. you'll fall and rise again but don't give up on your dreams, and destiny will play another role in your life.
No can change destiny, because it has it's own Faith.
destiny can be: unbeatable, unstoppable but you should also have your own mindset.

written by: Jennifer Elmore
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