

Blog 24 - "Story time..."
One day I went to school like everyday. I belong in a rural area but my school was good. Not just "good" but perfect. I was in 6/7th standard if I remember. I used to enjoy studying. What's bad in enjoying books?. Some people sees people who are studious as some retarded. So I always indulged in all extracurricular activities to make myself look less retarded. I do whatever job is given to me. But nothing makes me emotionally and intellectually horny than books.
Ok I came far away from the story. It was physics lecture and they were talking about renewable energy. I used to ask some doubts always and irritate my teachers. Mam was saying
"Incase of renewable energy sources.It will never get finished
We need a infinite source of force to generate electricity.example: solar, wind, hydro, tidal etc"...
My bad luck... I asked a doubt
"Mam.. why gravitational energy is not used as renewable energy sources?"
Whole class was staring at me like
"This guy is stupid..." It happens always and I was immune to that.
Mam said "Even though it's infinite we can't make a system which derives the electricity of it. That might be the reason"

I felt something fishy and I thought to ask " will it be in future? ... "..but one of my friend ass was laughing at me. I asked the same question I used to ask
"Did you know the answer...?"
"Ofcourse, who doesn't know these silly things"...He replied like he's dad of Einstein

I was morally depressed because before I used to feel less stupid about my doubts. I went home and took my phone and started to search regarding this. And do you know what I found. My mam was saying bullshit. I won't say the answer , if you're interested, go and find out yourself. I used to feel that when I ask doubts even others will get benefitted. But later on I found ways to clarify my doubts myself. And it was a path to peace and wisdom. But still I won't pity people who ask doubts but I pity people who don't have any doubts.

Let me tell you a secret. Search for the meaning of NERD in google. You'll find contradicting meaning for noun and verb. "Foolish and focused". There's no bad in being a studious person. For fucks sake it's more sexy than anything I know. But mugging up and studying is at two different ends by the way. I can't sing like shawn mendes or neither I can dance like Micheal Jackson. But I love when I sing and dance. If you are not interested in studying or acquiring knowledge. Liv abt it... But don't treat people who are studious like bunch of morons. I met some environmental scientist in instagram and her username was @scientists.have.boobs.too. God... She was gorgeous. What I mean is
"Stop treating people like trash when they do something they like. Studying, singing, dancing.. whatever...
Ps: blog not applicable for mugger community
© Vibin Dave